Blog | Orum

Why Orum Doesn’t Negotiate Salaries When You Quit |

Written by Stephany Kirkpatrick | Jun 5, 2024 9:35:02 PM


At Orum, we don't negotiate salaries when you quit. 


It's something that's right for us, and here's why → 


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Your Reasons, Your Decision: Understanding the Choice to Leave

By the time you've accepted a job somewhere else, you've already decided. I may wish you were staying, but you've decided for yourself, and we completely respect that. 

Many people quit a job for financial or opportunity reasons, and we do our best to stay ahead of those factors. We stay tightly focused on dynamic shifts in market rates for roles, and we know that we offer competitive salaries. We also work really hard to create new opportunities and keep our team members engaged. 


Managing What We Can, Acknowledging What We Can’t 

So whether you're quitting for a $9,000 raise, moving to a different industry, or just because you're ready for something new — those are your reasons, and we understand. We won't try to convince you otherwise. Instead, we focus on what we can control — a supportive environment where your decisions are respected.


Navigating the Disadvantage: Why Orum Avoids Salary Negotiations Upon Departure

When people who quit get paid more to stay, they're no longer on a level playing field with others. Some people seek to use another offer as leverage; others would never dream of doing so. This discrepancy only serves to widen existing inequalities. Often, the folks who feel most comfortable negotiating are those who already enjoy privileges; people in disadvantaged groups may not be as likely to engage in this back-and-forth. At Orum, we’re committed to fostering equity and inclusion, so rewarding this difference would only deepen inequity and imbalances. 


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