RepRally bridges the gap between specialty merchants and local retailers. The B2B marketplace is designed to help wholesalers eliminate the barriers to wholesale distribution and broaden consumer access to high-quality products. Here’s how it works: Makers list their goods (lots of amazing consumer packaged goods) in RepRally’s catalog, and a network of independent sales reps showcase them to retailers. Makers enter new markets, retailers sell unique, high-quality goods, and sales reps earn outsized commissions without holding products.
Selling with RepRally has changed my life. It’s helped me expand my sales skills, build my own business, and see the commission I’m making as soon as I process a purchase order. It’s been a game-changer!Christian Bernabel RepRally Distributor
As RepRally’s B2B marketplace scaled, the company realized its need for a modern payments solution that could transform payments and bank account verification so they could streamline purchase orders, eliminate manual processes, and increase conversions. Traditional bank account verification offerings that relied on microdeposits and flawed probabilistic scoring were causing too much friction and hindering RepRally’s growth.
RepRally co-founders Justin Donovan and Daryn Lam chose Orum because its APIs are easy to integrate and offer innovative solutions not available from others. Orum made it easy to get set up with instant bank account verification and fast, reliable payments in two weeks or less. Orum’s API automatically orchestrates money movement, optimizing for speed and cost, allowing RepRally reps to receive instant payouts on their sales and keep track of them within the RapRally app.
RepRally’s previous setup used microdepostis to validate bank accounts and paper checks for payments. This left reps walking out of retailers empty-handed after a sale, uncertain when exactly the commission check would arrive. Now, with Orum, the rep receives their payout instantly as soon as the store places the order. What took weeks now takes seconds. It’s fast, reliable payments plus instant bank account verification with one reliable partner.
Orum delivered three key advantages over RepRally’s use of microdeposits and checks:
RepRally’s reps were already thrilled to be making double or triple their typical salaries — and now that they’re receiving payouts in real-time, it’s been absolutely life-changing. Our past setup wasn’t working. F*ck microdeposits!Justin Donovan CEO & Co-founder of RepRally
Sometimes a customer quote really says it all. And it's worthy of being spotlighted on a massive billboard.
Orum’s simple API integration for fast, reliable payments provides three significant advantages over working directly with a bank.
Field sales reps have traditionally never made more than $15 an hour. With our innovative technology, powered by Orum, that completely changed. Now, with one purchase order from one store, one of our users decided to take his family to Disney World — all while seeing the outcome of each sale directly in the RepRally app, knowing that his commission is already in his bank account. There’s still a lot of payment functionality we can embed to the platform, and we’re excited to continue scaling with Orum.Justin DonovanCEO & Co-founder of RepRally
Want to learn more about the simplest API for fast, reliable payments and instant bank account verification? See how quickly Orum can help. Get in touch today.